Your personal therapist

Professional counselling with a personal touch.

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In her career journey of two decades Ms. Reeja B. Nair has assiduously cultivated her own style of building self-esteem in children, adolescents and adults who come to her for counselling. 

She has worked with children in government, private and international schools. Her experience has encompassed students from engineering, polytechnic, arts colleges and management schools. She has worked with de-addiction and rehabilitation centers. As part of extension service, she has worked with an NGO that provides succor to mentally ill, wandering destitute people.

Her psychotherapeutic skill sets focus on treating issues that range from emotional distress in marital and family conflicts to psychological aberrations that are corrected by helping people to recognize their behavioural patterns.

This was after she had acquired both MA and MPhil in Psychology and other counselling courses.

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Services We Provide

We will help you to unearth your potentials and develop a better understanding of you.

Individual counselling

Know yourself and others better and live a healthier and happier life.

Geriatric counselling

To find new ways of enjoyment and meaning as they approach the golden years of their life.

Marriage and Family counseling

To improve and strengthen your relationship by focusing on communication and conflict resolution.

Guidance Counselling

Helping individuals to understand and channelise the educational, vocational and personal opportunities that come their way to achieve what they perceive and aspire.

Happy Stories


I had a good impact by Reeja Ma’ams counselling, her keen intrest in listening to my issues and dedication is somthing i appreciate very much. Thanks for your support ma’am


I was doubteful to the idea of counselling first ,but with REEJA’S expertise and knowledge,it was one of the best decisions of mine.
Now i feel things differently,mostly self empowered and i have learnt things that will stay with me forever
Thank u reeja


Being an average student in academics i have undergone various pressure from parents and teachers ..I was totally depressed and down for a while But the only thing that brought me back to my normal life was through the counselling provided by Reeja Mam.Im so glad that she helped me at that worse situation and helped me move on..Also the way to my aim got little bit clearer after having discussions with her..Thankyou once again Mam.


Individual counselling- Know yourself and others better and live a healthier and happier life.

Book your Appointment Now

Restoring Life Through Effective Therapies

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+91 7012285962

Reach Us

Near Kinder Hospital, Pathadipalam, Kalamassery, Kochi, Kerala 682033

Open Hours

Mon-Fri 09:00 - 19:00
Sat-Sun 10:00 - 14:00